
This 36 year-old woman had lost a significant amount of weight but still had difficulty finding properly-fitted clothes due to the size of her thighs. She elected to have liposuction of the outer thighs. At the time of surgery, she was 5’6” and weighed 177 lbs.


9 months post-op.


9 months post-op.

This is a 36 year-old woman who was concerned about her neck contour. She noted that a full neck was typical of people in her family and hers had been full her whole life, regardless of her weight. After consulting with Dr. Peters, she decided to undergo liposuction of the neck. At the time of surgery she was 5’6” and weighed 192 lbs.


1 month post-op.

This 29 year woman had concerns regarding the contour of her abdomen, hips, and flanks despite eating well and exercising. She chose lipo 360 to address her concerns. At the time of surgery she was 5’1″ and 128lbs.


3 Months- Post-Op.


3 Months- Post-Op.


3 Months- Post-Op.

  • Tummy tuck and liposuction (hips and flanks)
  • 40 years-old, 4’11”, 174 lbs.


4 Months- Post- Op


4 Months- Post- Op


4 Months- Post- Op

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