Breast Implants – Picking the Right One

Breast Implants Woman holding her breasts

Part 2 of a 3 Part Series

In part 1 of this series, we discussed the pros and cons of saline and silicone implants. If you didn’t have a chance to read that installment, please start there and come back here when you’re done reading.

In this installment, we’ll talk about sizing and profiles.

What Size Should I Choose?

When we talk about the size of a breast implant, we refer to its volume. This is the amount of filling material it contains and is referred to in cc’s. Implants range in volume from 100 cc’s (this is VERY small and I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of this volume) to 800 cc’s (this is very large and would look unnatural on most women considering breast augmentation). In my practice, most patients choose an implant in the 275 cc to 450 cc range.

When considering what volume is right for you, you may be talking with your friends about what size they have or looking online at “goal” photos considering the size implants that were used to achieve that look. It’s important to realize that the same size implant can look VERY different on women of different heights, weights, and existing breast volume. A 275 cc implant may be somewhat large on a 100 pound patient with A cup breasts or make a negligible size change in a 180 pound woman who wore a 38B bra prior to surgery.

When I’m meeting with a patient for a breast augmentation consultation, I start by asking her what size bra she wears and what her goal size is. I honestly can’t guarantee her of her goal size bra, since sizing will vary depending on manufacturer, the presence of padding, and whether the patient is actually wearing the right size bra (many women are not). I ask this goal question, however, to get an idea of the ballpark we’re aiming for. Based on this information and measurements I take during the exam, I can guide the patient toward an implant that I think will achieve her goal proportions.


One of the important decisions in implant selection is the profile of the implant. The profile describes how wide an implant is compared to how far it sticks out from the rib cage, which is called the projection. Each manufacturer has a different way of describing the profiles of their implants, which can make researching these options very confusing for patients. A lower profile implant is wider and flatter while a higher profile implant is narrower and sticks out further from the chest. I use lower profile implants in patients who want a very conservative size increase or just a bit more fullness in the upper breast. A high profile implant is useful when a patient wants a much more significant size increase or a more augmented look. There are options in the midrange between low and high profiles for a natural-appearing result.

We may choose an implant profile based on the patient’s goal look, but often we pick the profile based on her goal volume and the measurements of her chest. We don’t want an implant that’s wider than a woman’s chest (nobody likes side boob), so sometimes it takes a higher profile implant to achieve the goal volume within the confines of a woman’s measurements.

How I Help a Patient Pick Her Implant

Once I have an idea of the look a patient is trying to achieve, I refer to my size charts and determine what implant will properly fit her measurements in the profile that will best achieve this result. We then work with sizers to see which implant give her the proportions she likes best.

If you’re considering breast augmentation, don’t get too caught up in trying to choose the volume and profile of the implant you want prior to your consultation with a plastic surgeon. Having an idea of what you may prefer can be constructive, but just understanding the concept (which you do now!) is helpful so that the options discussed and preliminary decisions made during your consultation aren’t overwhelming. Go to part 3 here

If you are interested in scheduling your consultation with Dr. Peters, please call us at 708-524-1400 or fill out our contact form today

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